Everything you need to know for compliant contracting of AV Freelancers.

5 Top Things To See @ Infocomm17

Posted by Wallace Johnson on May 10, 2017 12:04:50 PM


Every year the Infocomm show brings something new and exciting to the AV industry.  On the show floor and demo rooms, you have the latest technology from the exhibitors. In the classroom, you have new education sessions being offered by some of the best in the business. This year’s show has the most updates I have seen in quite some time. As a live event professional, here are my top 5 must-see items at the show.


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Topics: Technician Training, Infocomm

6 Tips To Selecting The Right AV Technician For Your Project

Posted by Wallace Johnson on Apr 27, 2017 9:38:08 AM


Once you have found a potential AV technician to fill a role on your project, what is your process to qualify this individual to determine if they are the best fit?

Here are 6 best practices to select the right people for your project:


#1 Start Early
A best practice for an operation is to start lining up technicians as soon as you are aware of a project's potential, all the way down to the stagehands. You're not the only company with a busy season so make sure you don’t get stuck competing with others to find techs.  If you wait too long, your available quality will go down and your costs could go up! 

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Topics: Contracting AV Techs, Crew Management & Scheduling

4 Best Practices To Make Your AV Freelance Management Process Compliant

Posted by Wallace Johnson on Mar 8, 2017 6:04:00 AM

The AV industry relies on a large population of talented freelance technicians. But most AV companies are not experts in understanding how to decide whether a person should be an employee or a contractor, and quite frankly, there are a lot of differing opinions about how to make this determination.

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Topics: Contracting AV Techs, Working with Contractors

What to Do If You Disagree with a Technician’s Submitted Invoice

Posted by Wallace Johnson on Feb 28, 2017 12:14:42 PM


Approving project hours and invoices is never as straight-forward as it should be. When crew members submit their services for your approval, errors and missing details are bound to occur. However, with the Clarify tool on the Mertzcrew approvals page, these corrections don’t need to slow down your approval process.

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Topics: NEW at Mertzcrew

AV Contractor Workers' Compensation Insurance: Risk vs Cost

Posted by Wallace Johnson on Feb 6, 2017 10:00:00 AM

From an insurance perspective, there are a number of risks and benefits to consider regarding the AV technicians that will work on your project. This is true whether the technician is an employee of your company or is a contracted freelancer for a specific project. In particular, one important risk for you to consider before a contracted freelancer begins work on your project is how your company will manage a  Worker’s Compensation claim (or worse, a lawsuit!) from injuries incurred by the contractor while working on your project.

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Topics: Contracting AV Techs

Contracting AV Techs Directly: How to Manage Services Efficiently

Posted by Wallace Johnson on Jan 30, 2017 8:34:00 AM

At Mertzcrew, we’re all about simplicity. Our all-in-one AV crew management platform has given AV companies the ability to centralize project details, services/hours rendered, payments, communications, project updates, and more for both the company’s employees and the freelancers Mertzcrew helps to contract.

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Topics: Contracting AV Techs, NEW at Mertzcrew

Mertzcrew Help-Center Solves AV Teams’ Frequently Asked Questions

Posted by Wallace Johnson on Nov 22, 2016 8:00:00 AM

While we designed our online, AV Crew Management system to be intuitive and easy to use, we knew that challenges and questions would still come up. When they do, your team needs answers, and fast -- especially when you’re in the midst of coordinating a project on a tight timeline.


We are happy to announce that our recently released Help Center will help you find all of the answers you need so you don’t have to stop working on your projects.


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Topics: NEW at Mertzcrew

Introducing auto-generated crew lists for AV projects

Posted by Wallace Johnson on Nov 14, 2016 8:00:00 AM

It takes a team to complete an AV project, but keeping that team organized can be just as challenging as getting the project done.

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Topics: NEW at Mertzcrew

Mertzcrew update speeds up crew hiring process for AV schedulers

Posted by Wallace Johnson on Oct 26, 2016 2:32:13 PM

Making educated crewing decisions for an AV project takes time and deliberation. Do you have the right employee or skilled freelancers in your network? What was their last project with you? Are they really skilled at what they do? How do you know? There are many boxes to check and verify, and no easy way to do it.

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Topics: NEW at Mertzcrew

The Expanding Gig Economy & How to Prep Your AV Team

Posted by Gabe Solomon on Oct 18, 2016 8:00:00 AM

The gig economy may be expanding in various industries, but it’s always been a big part of the AV world. Freelancers have long been a part of AV projects, providing specialized skill sets and extra hands on deck when large projects land on an AV company’s desk.

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Topics: Contracting AV Techs, Working with Contractors, AV Industry Pro Sessions