Everything you need to know for compliant contracting of AV Freelancers.

5 Simple Audio Visual Technician Hiring and Coordinating Tips

Posted by Gabe Solomon on Mar 24, 2016 5:34:21 PM

As an audio visual scheduler, it's important to approach each AV project with an open mind so you can cater to the individual crewing needs of each project. How you coordinate a new project often depends on the type of event you’re crewing and who is needed to achieve the project's completion and success. In order to make this process easy and efficient, regardless of the project, there are a number of tips you should follow -- from understanding the different positions and their qualities to automating scheduling. Utilize these audio visual technician hiring and coordination tips to ease the crewing process from start to finish.


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Topics: Contracting AV Techs

3 AV Contractor Insurance Guidelines You Can’t Ignore

Posted by Gabe Solomon on Mar 20, 2016 7:00:00 AM

For some AV schedulers and planners, arranging contracts and verifying insurance for audio visual crews is foreign territory — packing with it a hefty box of intimidating questions and variables -— especially when it comes to insurance. Rather than figuring out how to contract and insure freelancers properly, AV companies will often "hire" them as temporary Part Time employees to make the process simpler. While this may serve as a simple, upfront solution to a confusing hiring dilemma, doing this actually requires far more paperwork and is 2x to 3x more expensive. However, working with AV contractors doesn’t have to create extra work or complications. By becoming more familiar with AV contractor insurance systems and requirements, you can rest easy knowing that your crew has the necessary coverage so you’ll be prepared for any project related accident.

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Topics: Contracting AV Techs

How to Reduce Manual Administration Tasks with AV Workforce Management Software

Posted by Gabe Solomon on Mar 10, 2016 9:00:00 AM

With the wide array of workforce management softwares available, almost all aspects of employee and independent contractor management can become streamlined and centralized. Now that mobile devices and technology tools have become more powerful and mainstream, there are a lot of options to be more efficient with workforce management — which is great news for the AV planners and schedulers who are currently relying on outdated scheduling methods, or even those trying to fit their approach into a industry non-specific software that doesn’t understand their unique needs.

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Topics: AV Teams, Crew Management & Scheduling

6 Benefits of Using an Employee Time Tracking Software for AV Projects

Posted by Gabe Solomon on Mar 8, 2016 7:00:00 AM

Managing and verifying invoices and payouts on AV projects has a tendency to get overwhelming. This is especially true when your crew is made up of both independent contractors and internal employees and you’re tasked at tracking both. Regardless of inefficiencies manual time tracking presents, AV schedulers are expected to collect and manage time sheets for both freelancers and employees quickly, efficiently, and accurately.

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Topics: AV Teams, Crew Management & Scheduling

How AV Crew and Contractor Software Automates Workforce Coordination

Posted by Gabe Solomon on Mar 3, 2016 3:30:00 PM

Coordinating AV crews is often a long and daunting task. You have the perfect crew members in mind, but their availability doesn't match. You decide to add AV contractors to the project, but you're lost on how to handle their contracts and insurance. Your project times and dates need to be changed and you have to communicate these changes to your entire crew, fielding questions in between, but your communications are scattered and messages get lost in the process. AV crewing is a big job, and the more opportunities you have to streamline and automate the process, the more time you’ll be able to save and redirect toward managing the rest of your responsibilities.

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Topics: AV Teams, Crew Management & Scheduling

AV Crew Tracking: How to Capture Accurate Data for Project Analysis

Posted by Gabe Solomon on Mar 1, 2016 1:30:00 PM

As an AV scheduler, your job is all about keeping track of your crews, their schedules, and the labor costs associated with your projects. This can pose a challenge when your management resources and assets are scattered, leaving you to manually piece the puzzle together.

With the help of an AV crew tracking and management software, AV professionals can capture accurate labor data for better business analysis. When data is accurate, organized and easily accessible, reviewing your project’s performance and reporting that data back to your clients is simple. Even better, by streamlining your data collection and analyzing process, you’ll save yourself time and money, and potentially save your clients money too. Here are a few ways you can improve the way you collect and analyze crew labor costs in order to get the business insights you need to improve cash flow.

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Topics: Workforce Intelligence

A Smarter Way to Pay and Insure Your AV Crew

Posted by Gabe Solomon on Aug 1, 2014 5:38:00 PM

How do you pay the project-based technicians that work on your projects?  Do they have their own Workers Comp and Liability Insurance or do you provide their coverage?

In the AV industry, companies typically choose from two options:

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Topics: Contracting AV Techs

Save to Grow in 2014

Posted by Gabe Solomon on Jan 22, 2014 5:35:00 PM

Economic Conditions in 2014 are looking up for both the overall US economy as well as small businesses.  The Consumer Confidence Index has steadily improved since 2010.  AV consultant Tom Stimson of The Stimson Group is forecasting industry growth in both AV Integration and Rental & Staging.

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Topics: Innovation

Open Projects for AV Techs

Posted by Gabe Solomon on Jan 10, 2014 5:23:00 PM

Are you looking to get more AV Project work?  Then you may be interested in Open Projects on MertzCrew.  Open Projects are roles on Corporate and Integration projects that are only available to AV technicians who are registered with MertzCrew.  The process works very simply:

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Topics: AV Techs

Words of Wisdom

Posted by Gabe Solomon on Oct 25, 2013 5:51:00 PM

Full Sail University recently hosted the Rental & Staging Road Show in Orlando, FL with industry speakers covering topics from pre-production to the integration of new technologies in show production.

The highlight of the event was a roundtable of industry leaders entitled “Are You Ready For A New Staging Industry Landscape?”  The speakers (pictured above) were: Matthew Carson (PRG), Colin Murphy (Bungalow Scenic Studios), Les Goldberg (LMG), and Tom Kervitsky (TEK Productions).

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Topics: AV Techs